Student Solution


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EC Discussion Forum 1 - Seven Bonds

EC Discussion Forum 1 - Seven Bonds

Q a) 1 paragraph (7-10 complex sentences in length) summarizing the movie, Seven Pounds b) 1 paragraph (7-10 complex sentence in length) reacting to the movie c) 2 paragraphs (7-10 complex sentences in length) connecting events to the movie to the concepts of ethics and personal responsibility

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The protagonist of the story is Ben Thomas portrayed by Will Smith and he is the man with a mission. He has actually survived a horrendous crash in which seven people have died. After surviving the attack, Ben has seen death very near, which made him realize the value of life. Due to this realization, he contemplated rather pledged to help others to live a better life. He later set a mission for himself that he would donate his vital body parts to those who is in need of donor.